Name | School | |
Jeff Stromgen | School District 43 | jeffstromgen@sd43.bc.ca |
Wendy Hebbourn | Argyle Secondary | whebbourn@nvsd44.bc.ca |
Pat Dube | Lakes District Secondary | pdube@mail.sd91.bc.ca |
Chris Stromgen | Salmon Arm Secondary | cstromgr@sd83.bc.ca |
Justin Mark | Cedar Community School | jmar3221@gmail.com |
Richard Wooles | Cycling BC (Provincial Sport Organization) | richard@cyclingbc.net |
Les van der Roest | Kootenay Christian Academy | Ivaderroest@kcacademy |
Position | Name | School | |
Fraser Valley | Jeff Stromgen | School District 43 | jeffstromgen@sd43.bc.ca |
North Shore | Wendy Hebbourn | Argyle Secondary | whebbourn@nvsd44.bc.ca |
Northern | Pat Dube | Lakes District Secondary | pdube@mail.sd91.bc.ca |
Southern Interior | Chris Stromgen | Salmon Arm Secondary | cstromgr@sd83.bc.ca |
Vancouver Island | Justin Mark | Cedar Community School | jmar3221@gmail.com |
Vancouver/Burnaby/New West | vacant |
Declaration Deadline | October 4, 2013 (as per policy C2.1) |
Registration Deadline | April 14, 2014 (as per policy C2.2.1) |
Final Registration Deadline | April 30, 2014 or 7 days prior to zone events (whichever is earlier) (as per policy C2.3.3) |
Seasons of Play | March 3, 2014-June 7, 2014 |