January 6, 2014

Ken Dryden Concussion Symposium occurring on Jan. 28, 2014 from 5-9 P.M.
Seating is limited
RSVP required at: https://drydenconcussionbc.eventbrite.ca
Join Ken Dryden as he talks about concussions with BC athletes, physicians, researchers, and sports officials, from awareness of the problem to awareness of its answers.
This event will highlight the importance of the soon-tobe released Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT) developed by the BCIRPU in partnership with the BC Ministry of Health. Created for parents, players, coaches and trainers, the CATT will build on a number of existing
resources, including the CATT for physicians and health professionals, to provide an educational training tool that will raise awareness of concussion as well as the need for proper management and prevention.
For more information visit: www.cattonline.com
Please see the attached flyer (PDF) for more information about this event.