Volleyball Girls

Position Name School E-mail
Commissioner Joe Moreira Mt.Sentinel Secondary jmoreira@sd8.bc.ca
Past Commissioner Bill Rounis Cedar Secondary brounis@sd68.bc.ca
Treasurer Scott Hodson New Westminster Secondary shodson@sd40.bc.ca
Secretary Tony Laurita Burnaby North Secondary Tony.Laurita@sd41.bc.ca
AAAA Rep Bryan Gee Riverside Secondary briandrosdovech@gmail.com
AAA Rep Todd Clarke Seaquam Secondary SStang@pacificacademy.net
AA Rep Stacey Stang Pacific Academy tclarke@deltasd.bc.ca
A Rep Brian Drosdovech Immaculata Secondary briandrosdoech@gmail.com
Jr. Rep Todd Clarke Seaquam Secondary tclarke@deltasd.bc.ca
Members At Large Bill Tereposky Seaquam Secondary BGee@sd43.bc.ca
Lawrence Vea Retired lawvea@gmail.com
Chris Berglund Crofton House/BCVA cberglund@volleyballbc.ca
Dan Huzar Sutherland Secondary dhuzar@nvsd44.bc.ca
Mary Joan Visscher Duncan Christian School tclarke@deltasd.bc.ca


Declaration Deadline October 4, 2013 (as per policy C2.1)
Registration Deadline October 4, 2014 (as per policy C2.2.1)
Final Registration Deadline October 21, 2014 or 7 days prior to zone events (whichever is earlier) (as per policy C2.3.1)
Seasons of Play September 3, 2013-November 30, 2013


AAAA 251 or more girls in Grades 11 and 12
AAA 161-250 or fewer girls in Grades 11 and 12
AA 81-160 girls in Grades 11 and 12
A 80 or fewer girls in Grades 11 and 12
For tier classification, count the full-time students who (as of December 31, 2013) are under 19 years of age

Schools must play in their own: tier-cannot move up or down