Volleyball Boys

Position Name School E-mail
President Fane Triggs Kelowna Secondary ftriggs@sd23.bc.ca
Past President Brian McAskill G.P. Vanier Secondary bmcaskill@shaw.ca
Secretary/Treasurer Al Carmichael Oak Bay Secondary acarmichael@sd61.bc.ca
Vice President Glen Campbell Mt.Sentinel Secondary gcampbell@sd8.bc.ca
2nd Vice President Ron VanDriel Bulkley Valley Christian School igloofamily@shaw.ca
Web Site Coordinator Doug Meraw George Elliot Secondary  


Declaration Deadline October 4, 2013 (as per policy C2.1)
Registration Deadline October 4, 2014 (as per policy C2.2.1)
Final Registration Deadline October 21, 2014 or 7 days prior to zone events (whichever is earlier) (as per policy C2.3.1)
Seasons of Play September 3, 2013-November 30, 2013


AAA 226 or more boys in Grades 11 and 12
AA 81-225 boys in Grades 11 and 12
A 80 or fewer boys in Grades 11 and 12
for tier classification, count the full-time students who (as of December 31, 2013) are under 19 years of age

Schools who wish to declare or apply for a change in designated status must do so n wiriting to the commissioner on or before September 30, of the current year.