After much anticipation from our member schools over the past few months, we are excited to announce the details of our 2020-2021 BCSS Esports Trial.
Above you will find a package outlining the mechanics of the Esports trial and our partner GameSeta who will be providing the platform for this trial. If your school is interested in participating, please complete the School Intent to Participate Form which you can find inside the package and submit to bwhyte@bcschoolsports.ca by no later than November 4, 2020 at 12pm noon.
It is important to note that this is strictly a trial, Esports is not an official sport under the BCSS mandate and will not be using STARS registration as it is strictly a trial. Participation and feedback is encouraged in order to measure the success of Esports in British Columbia and the potential of introducing it as a BCSS activity in the future.