April 13, 2017
RE: AGM Package 2
We are almost ready to go for the AGM on May 5 & 6, 2017. Package 2 can be accessed on the BCSS website, with links to the specific documents below. As per our Bylaws and the Societies Act, this package contains notice of the meeting and the resolutions to be considered at the AGM.
Advanced voting pins and instructions will be sent out to member schools' principals on April 25, 2017. Advanced voting will be open from 12:00am on April 26 to 11:59pm on May 2. For more information about voting see the Voting Forms Document.
Package 2 Contents (click on the documents below):
- Voting Forms
- Weekend Schedule
- Travel Information
- Agenda 2017
- Standing Rules of Order
- 2016 AGM Minutes
- Reports
- Audited Financial Statements
- Appoitment of Auditor
- Resolutions
- Exraordinary Meeting Minutes - November 23, 2016
Thank you, we look forward to seeing you on May 5 and/or 6.
Jordan Abney
Executive Director
BC School Sports