Dear BCSS Member Schools and Stakeholders:
Re: Extraordinary Meeting Package
As per the Bylaws of BC School Sports, please accept this as official notice of the calling of an Extraordinary Meeting called by the Board of Directors.
The meeting has been scheduled for November 23, 2016 at 7:00pm. The meeting will be held at the Burnaby Lake Sports Complex – West. The Meeting Package can be accessed online at the BCSS website, with the links to the specific documents below. Please note, as per our Bylaws, registration to vote will be open until 6:30pm. Those wishing to vote or carry proxies, must be signed in by 6:30.
The purpose of this meeting being called is to present and pass updated Bylaws of the Association before the Societies Act changes come into effect on November 28th, 2016.
To conduct business, we will need to meet our quorum which has 20% of the membership (roughly 90 schools) and a representative from each of the 7 zones. The date of this meeting has been chosen to coincide with AA and AAA soccer provincials, in the hope that it will be easier to get a representative from each zone here. Please review the information carefully, and submit your proxy to the appropriate person.
If you anticipate additional expenses to have your coach or association representative attend the meeting, please contact the office and we will work to make sure all zones and associations are represented.
Thank you. We look forward to seeing you on November 23.