There has been a brief outage on STARS near the end of November regarding roster additions. Please go in and check all of your rosters and ensure students are on the correct teams and listed in the correct age categories. We will leave final winter registration open until Friday, February 5th, 2016 to allow you time to make any corrections.
Important Reminder: Please add students and save roster before removing students. This will ensure you still have the minimum number of students on each roster. If minimum numbers are not met, STARS will lock you out of the team.
If there is a special team adjustment that you are not able to complete please call our office for assistance. Remember, students must be listed on the younger age group roster if they are playing up on another team.
Please print the BCSS PDF Roster once your teams are complete.
If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact our office at 604-477-1488 or info@bcschoolsports.ca.