To apply to have your team considered for this event, please contact info@bcschoolsports.ca
Dear Teacher and Coaches,
We hope that all of you had a fantastic summer! As the school year starts ramping up and high school track and field teams begin planning for the 2013/2014 season, the Nike High School Grand Prix would like to inform all Canadian high schools of our
plans for the 2014 event.
The Nike High School Grand Prix was born to inspire excellence in high school athletes, unite student athletes across the nation, and celebrate the sport of track and field. We would like all 12 provincial and territorial school sport associations to submit one boys school team and one girls school team to represent their province at the 2014 event.
Here is some key information you need to know:
• LOCATION: Toronto, Ontario
• FACILITY: Varsity Stadium, University of Toronto
• ACCOMMODATIONS: Victoria University, University of Toronto Campus
o November 25, 2013: Teams selected by Provincial/Territorial high
school athletic association
o Week of January 13, 2014: Official Announcement/Press Release of
the participating teams
o Week of January 13, 2014: Information & fundraising kits sent to all
participating teams
o February 2014: Track event and weekend activities information shared
with participating teams
o May 7-11, 2014: Nike High School Grand Prix event weekend
- Select distant school teams will be required to fly in on
Wednesday evening (May 7, 2014)
• COST: $675.00 per participating student athlete & teacher coach from outside Ontario; $400.00 per participating student athlete & teacher coach from Ontario
o Cost includes: Travel to and from Toronto, 3 nights accommodation, transportation in Toronto, meals, track & field competition, athletic banquet, city tours, and additional Toronto cultural experiences.
o Each team must be composed of a minimum of 10 and maximum of 13 student athletes; 2 teacher coaches must accompany each team
o All athletes on the team must be the same gender
o Participants must be in grades 10, 11 or 12 (or equivalent)
o Excluding the Yukon and Northwest Territories, all 10-13 student athletes and 2 teacher coaches must be from the same school
o One (1) school representing the boys team & one (1) school representing the girls team will be selected from each province and territory
o Selected school teams should not have participated in the 2012 or 2013 Nike HSGP
To learn more about the Nike High School Grand Prix please visit our website at www.highschoolgrandprix.ca or visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/highschoolgrandprix and Like us!
If you have any questions, please contact your provincial/territorial School Sport Canada representative directly or contact the Nike High School Grand Prix team at the email address listed below.
Good luck with your submissions and hope to see you in Toronto for the 2014
Nike High School Grand Prix!
Best Regards,
Nike High School Grand Prix team
E: info@highschoolgrandprix.ca