Anticipating a gradual restart this fall we are currently seeking a number of host schools for upcoming championships. BCSS Relies heavily on its member schools to support and run successful championships. Unfortunately, with the uncertainty coming out of the COVID-19 Pandemic some sports saw a limited number of bids to host upcoming champoionhips. Currently we are seeking hosts for several upcoming championships, and we require your assistance, as members, to ensure that these championships are well executed.
Attached you will find a package outlining the available school-based championships, as well as opportunities to participate on a championship host committee for a number of BCSS centralized championships. If you are an AD/administrator at a BCSS member school and are interested in hosting a provincial championship, please complete the attached Application to Host a BCSS Championship and email the completed form to info@bcschoolsports.ca. Once your form is received a staff member will contact you as the AD to discuss the championship in detail.
If you are interested in chairing/sitting on a championship host committee for a centralized championship or know somebody who is, please email info@bcschoolsports.ca and we will be happy to discuss the position and responsibilities.