2016 Annual General Meeting Resolution Results (Draft)
Below are the “Carried/Defeated” results for the resolutions’ portion from this year’s Annual General Meeting. These are draft versions and are therefore for information purposes only. The meeting minutes will be posted shortly.
7.1 Special Resolution Draft Results.pdf
8.1 and 8.2 Resolutions - Draft Results.pdf
8.3 Resolutions-Rules and Regulations - Draft Results.pdf
April 21, 2016
Re: AGM Package 2
We are almost ready to go for the AGM on May 6 & 7, 2016. As per our Bylaws and the Society Act, this package contains notice of the meeting and the resolutions that will be considered at the AGM. Please take a close look at the information and have a conversation with those people in your community who are involved with student-athletes.
The AGM will be held at Fortius Sport & Health in Burnaby BC. See the "Weekend Schedule" document for more information.
The package contains the following information:
- RSVP – mandatory due to space, catering and voting; due April 25, 2016
- 2016 Board of Directors voting ballot.pdf: due May 2, 2016
- 2016 Voting at the Annual General Meeting.docx
- Weekend Schedule.pdf
- 2016 Travel Support Request.docx
- Round Table Invitation.pdf
- 2.5 Agenda 2016.pdf
- BCSS Standing Rules-2016.pdf
- 3.0 AGM Minutes - 2014-2015.pdf
- 4.1 Annual Reports.pdf
- 5.0 2014-2015 Audited Financial Statements.pdf
- 7.1 Special Resolutions.pdf
- Bylaws Option A and Option B Descriptions.pdf
- BCSS Board Letter.pdf
- 7.1.1 - Bylaws Option A - Advanced Voting .pdf
- 7.1.2. - Bylaws Option B - Proxy Voting.pdf
- 8.1 and 8.2 Resolutions - Procedural and Programming, Membership Fees.pdf
- 8.3 Resolutions-Rules and Regulations .pdf
- 2016 Standing Committee Volunteer Application.docx
Thank you. We look forward to seeing you on May 6 and/or 7.
Christine Bradstock
Executive Director BC School Sports