Volleyball - Girls

For Coaches

Coaches should be registered on your school's STARS roster. 

More information on the most recent volleyball libero rule: 


All team personnel (coaches & managers) must complete concussion awareness training every two years - please click link to access training module - Concussion Awareness Training Tool

Link to school tournaments during the season:

Sport Advisory Committee

Position Name School Email
Kootenay Zone Rep Joe Moreira Mount Sentinel Secondary joe.moreira@sd8.bc.ca
North Central Zone Rep Jonathan Lawrence DP Todd Secondary jlawrence@sd57.bc.ca
North West Zone Rep Ed Kronemeyer Houston Christian ed.kronemeyer@houstonchristianschool.ca
South Fraser Zone Rep Michael Neil Southridge School mneil@southridge.bc.ca
Thompson-Okanagan Zone Rep Jody Vosper Sa-Hali Secondary jvosper@exc.sd73.bc.ca
Vancouver Island Zone Rep Al Carmichael Oak Bay Secondary acarmichael@sd61.bc.ca
Vancouver Sea-to-Sky Zone Rep Chris Ruse Mulgrave School cruse@mulgrave.com
Chair Joe Moreira Mount Sentinel Secondary joe.moreira@sd8.bc.ca
Eastern Valley Zone Rep Dane Larson GW Graham Secondary dane_larson@sd33.bc.ca
Fraser North Zone Rep Billy Lee New Westminster Secondary blee4514@gmail.com