A student-athlete may only participate in BCSS activities for the member school at which they are registered.  There is an option for two or more member schools to make an application for a Joint Team.   If approved student-athletes from those member schools will be able to participate together on the joint team. See section 840.0 page 97 of the handbook for complete policy rules.


There is no deadline for applications, they are processed throughout the school year.  Applications take 3-5 business days to process.  

BCSS will invoice the school submitting the eligibility application once a ruling has been provided.

The Eligibility Officer processes applications in the order he receives them. Once all of the information required is provided they take approximately 3-5 business days.


Yes! Students are able to participate as long as the school they attend is a member and the appropriate form has been filled out and approved. See section 822.0 page 93 of the handbook.

A residence where the family lives the majority of the time and you can only have one. 

Legal guardianship needs to be in place 12 months prior to the period for which eligibility is sought.

No, the student-athlete will still have five years of eligibility from the start of grade 8 regardless of if they are approved to play as a grade 7.

It is possible for grade 7 students to play on a grade 8 team but only if the team would not be able to participate without these students, which means any teams with a minimum number of one are not eligible for grade 7's to compete in. There are some additional rules and condition to this and a grade 7 eligibility application will have to be filed.

Student-athletes have five (5) consecutive years of BCSS competition eligibility, starting on their entry date into grade eight (8).  A year is considered to be the twelve (12) month period between September of one school year and the September of the next school year. If a student-athlete chooses not to participate during one (1) or more years of the five (5) year period that time persiod will still count toward the five (5) years of eligibility. 

The Eligibility Appeals Committee (EAC) hears appeals submitted by a member school.  The committee meets 10 times during the school year. Submission deadline dates and meeting dates can be found in section 944.14 page 104 of the handbook.


Example: An Athletic Director (AD) submitted an Eligibility Application or change of residence form to the Eligibility Officer and it was not accepted. The AD can then choose to make an appeal, which will be heard by the EAC. The EAC will make the final and binding decision in regards to the atudent-athlete's eligibility.


No, student-athletes can only play for the school they are registered in. 

Example: School A had a Football team last season and they are not going to have one this season. Can a student-athlete play for School B while attending School A? No, student-athletes can only play for the member school in which they are registered. If the student would like to transfer to School B they are subject to all transfer rules.